Just a dirty room with an artificial grass patch that you can hose down, nothing that will make you or you pup feel good. Was expecting at least some outdoor space.
Tiny room with a small strip of indoor/ outdoor grass. Had to put down a wee pad for my pup to actually go
Well... its a small room with some fake grass. The point is: try to convince your dog to pee in this room and not in other places.
What a relief : ) look for the door to the outdoor patio and turf area. There is a fenced in area for your pal.
#LetsGuide The only pet restroom I have seen ANYWHERE. Equipet with all the bells and whistles and impeccably clean
Amazing.... was totally ready for a pee after connecting from Vegas, thankfully this place was open.
Nice to have for Fido, worked for mine, she went on the provided Astro turf.
Very considerate design